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Thread: OOTS #827 - The Discussion Thread

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    Pixie in the Playground
    Kodan's Avatar

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    Jan 2012

    Default Re: OOTS #827 - The Discussion Thread

    I read this post up to like, the 5th page and felt I needed to register and post regarding the RedCloak speculation

    I think that some of you guy are overcomplicating things.
    Since O'Chuul escaped capture, and got the Phylactery lost, by now the bad guys would assume he met up with the other Paladins who escaped, and would have told them the Phylactery is gone, so they would be stuck in the city.

    Isn't it possible that Redclock ISN'T actually planning anything? There are 2 possibilities here, not including the speculation.

    1) He and Xyclon, or just he himself cooked up this plan to recover the Phylactery secretly. That way, he could present it to Xyclon and the fact the Phylactery has been recovered would be kept secret, and keep the good guys on edge.

    2) He actually IS planning on keeping it secret from everyone, including Xyclon, but not to betray him or anything. By keeping it secret, the Phylactery remains safe from everyone. Who knows, Xyclon might tamper with the Phylactery to make it easier to find next time, thus making it vulnerable.

    Edit: tl;dr The longer the amulet stays secret by being "missing", the longer it remains safe, even in plain sight.
    Last edited by Kodan; 2012-01-13 at 10:17 PM.