Quote Originally Posted by Eshkigal View Post
The vibrana looks at the human, giving off a strange, chittering giggle.
So quick to the point. It could be fun. However!
The Vibrana takes off, wings practically disappearing in motion as it hovers in front of you.
If you want my help, you have to show that you can handle what friends you already have properly. Fair?

Tesla, Caspar is the first to find one, possibly because of his own nature. Floating below the ship, a drifloon hangs onto rayquaza, with what looks to be a smile on its face as it's dragged through the cloud cover.
Boss, I found one. Caspar pionted it out.

"Nice one Cas," Tesla said. He then shouts at the Drifloon, "Hey there! Would you like to go on a journey with me and my friends?"