Quote Originally Posted by golentan View Post
As I recall, sheepheads do something similar (largest and most aggressive female becomes male). But... and here's the thing, they appear to do it purely to mess with the researcher's heads. While I was volunteering at the Monterey Aquarium, there was a story that the rule they had worked out was "largest female becomes male, only 1 male in an area, no backsies." Then the second largest female started to transition, and became male. Then the two males got on okay with each other (they fought more than they had, but they let each other live). Then the smaller one transitioned back to female.
Trollface fish, you say? wiggy.

Quote Originally Posted by Arachu View Post
It's usually a safe bet to work on cardio - even if you do enough of it to notice, it shouldn't make your legs/arms/whatnot look particularly masculine (it's also the most likely development to actually be useful).

I bet you could get away with some weighted torso exercises, if you didn't do enough to display abs or pectorals (those aren't very androgynous) - maybe long-period fixed-resistance exercises could make the muscles strong and lean (hopefully without making you sick in the process)?

I should Google up some Pilates at some point...
Cardio isn't really going to do that unless the person's biology is off norm to a significant extent in regards to building muscle mass. As for the rest, that's probably best not to discuss in-thread, but more recommend to speak to a professional about the concerns there, though, really, they're just as unreasonable concerns as the oft-cited fear of women that working out will make them all muscly and ugly.

Brofist Fistbro:
Quote Originally Posted by KenderWizard View Post
Terrorist fist bump:

It was when Barack and Michelle Obama shared a fist bump (I like plain fist bump better than "bro fist" because I'm not a "bro". How about "sibling bump"? ) and a news person described it as a "terrorist fist jab". In an impressive example of "wild overreaction".

Why not? You seem fairly well in line with being a bro already.

Silly unethical SF story.

Quote Originally Posted by KenderWizard View Post
Losing man-parts

I can see that losing a bit would be very distressing, and I would also be distressed if I suddenly got transformed into a man, but I think Serp's point was, often people see it as "losing a part" AND, crucially, not gaining a part. Like lady-parts are just an absence of man-parts. Which is often framed in a sexist way, like "He's lost a part, he is less than he was, so now he has dropped into the inferior female group.". (Biologically, all fetuses start female and some diverge to male, so it's the opposite. But that's just an interesting fact and doesn't actually mean anything important to worth or equality!)

Well, really, it's just like in discussing rules changes in the D&D subforum, people focus more on losing something they like to nerfing than on gaining something they're neutral at best towards. And unless someone was a transwoman, it's not exactly a good or desired thing to wake up with a vagina where previously there were external genitalia.

The entire premise of the story is silly though, because if you've designed a system where a rape victim's equilibrium can only be restored by them performing the same mode of intercourse on someone else as their rape, you've done goofed.