Quote Originally Posted by Lix Lorn View Post
You are to me! ^^
Yay. :3

Quote Originally Posted by Arachu View Post
[COLOR="Navy"]Also, I finally updated my profile's gender. Why it was so difficult to do I don't know. *shrugs*
Oh, I missed this. Grats on it, even if it's not a huuuge step. *hugs*

Quote Originally Posted by golentan View Post
Why does everyone go on about this? I have man parts. I like my man parts very much. We spend hours of fun together every week, and I've never had disphoria or what have you. And yet, if they vanished tomorrow to be replaced by an "ingress" I'd be annoyed only by 2 things. 1) They disappeared too late to save my last relationship, and 2) I'd have to buy new toys.

Why is everyone so attached to their body parts? I just don't get it.
Well, I guess you wouldn't know if you'd have disphoria / how you'd feel about if it happened though, no?

I.. ehm have fun with mine too, but I just try to externalize what they actually are / do other stuff with them...