Quote Originally Posted by The Alexandrian View Post
[Weathered Ruins]

Stop! Puzzle time!

Not all numbers are utilized in the solution to this puzzle!

Let's label these buttons for convenience. From left to right, the buttons are 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, for simplicity's sake. Mister C pushed button one in his last post. What does this action result in?

Numerical Key:

Each of the five buttons possesses a corresponding green light which shines out of it when the numbered gate it is associated with is open. Likewise, a red light radiating from the button designates that the gate it is associated with is closed. The goal of this game is to open all gates, upon which the path ahead shall open for Mister C. Activating a gate once opens the gate. Activating a gate twice closes the gate. Activating a gate thrice opens the gate and so on and so forth.

Buttons: Gates Activated When Button Is Pressed:
1 1, 2, 5
2 3, 4, 1
3 2, 5, 4
4 5, 3, 1
5 3, 1, 2
[Weathered Ruins]

Mr C thinks and thinks. And it needs him a few minutes to figure out whats going on. Then he uses his camonflage to look like Sherlock Homes... or better Scherlock C.

"That is a fine peace of a riddle. Don't you think Dr. C Watson?"

Mr C Walks up a few inches changin again to a Mr C version od Dr. Watson.

"Yes Sherlock, but your brilliant spirit will solve this. Am I right?"

"Indeed! And I have done it already. In fact the only thing you need to think of is how often do I neeed to change a door to solve this."

"I don't understand what you mean Sherlock."

"Just think about it Watson. Every portal is closed. That means we have to push a button one time to open it. To make it short we need to fin a combination of the buttons resolving in a uneven use of each portal."

"Just brilliant."

Mr C changes back looking a little depressed.

"I really need some friends."

Then he starts pushing the buttons 1-5-2-4-1.