Karrin Ye
HP: 44/48  AC: 18 + 4 vs Gorgeroth  Saves: 11F / 7R / 7W
Conditions: Smite Evil on Gorgeroth
"Gorgeroth! Now you PAY for your crimes!" shouts the paladin as she focuses on the big, hulking orc leader, and charges forward. Wanting to get up close and personal, she chooses her greatsword instead of her lance. She lets the fire elemental wreck havoc and amongst the orc ranks.

Swift Action: Smite Evil on Gorgeroth
Power Attack: -2/+6
Full Round Action: Charge Gorgeroth
Attack (+4 Smite, -2 PA, +2 Charge): (1d20+12)[19]
Damage (+4 Smite, +6 PA): (2d6+14)[5][5](24)
Is there a map? If so, post a link plz