No bookshelf suddenly falling away to reveal a secret flight of stairs. No grind of stone as a hidden doorway opens. Just a faint rustle as the book is pulled away from it's kin. It's slim, not hardback or bound in cheap cardboard skin but leather, the words sewn in golden thread, "The Primer of Awakening". On the cover is the symbol seen on door, the silver hand with fingers that flow into branches, although as Andy never saw the glyph before he's unlikely to recognize it here.

This book is not as pristine as the others, but obviously tampered with, rendered even thinner than it was before by the tearing away of the first few pages, as well as the last. Barbarism. A brief flip through the book reveals it to be a mix of elegant words and seemingly meaningless diagrams, wheels and suns and stars, gradients, angles and mathematical lines running through the pictures, tiny, tiny captions labelling each symbol but explaining nothing to Andy's untrained eye. A book of magic and mysticism, no doubt, but one that will take time and research to decipher. Or, perhaps, in lieu of those, simply a granted inspiration in the arcane ways.