I personally think the cyst on my buttcrack is pretty unlovable, but if you find someone who digs that sort of thing, let me know.

You may have heard the phrase "be a better you". It is certainly possible to improve oneself without sacrificing identity, and that's as important to romance as it is to, well, everything in life. Example: when I first entered college, people detested me. By the time Junior year came around, I was pretty darn likeable. To this day I don't know what changed. I just tried to be nicer to my friends, and I guess it worked. But I can tell you I never tried to get rid of pieces of myself I found bad (well, except my chronic laziness, but I still have that!). I mean, I grew a beard, but that's partially because I wasn't really able to grow facial hair until like Sophomore year.

I wouldn't want to be with someone who didn't accept and love every part of me (butt-cyst not withstanding), but I sure as heck don't put it all out in front of me and demand that anyone who wants to be near me get used to it. People who would otherwise be fine with any sort of thing can most assuredly get scared off (telling someone your favorite sex acts as you both undress is far more attractive than telling someone your favorite sex acts as you shake hands, for example. No, I haven't tried that).

I'm not saying anyone should get new feet. But putting your best foot forward is probably not a bad idea.