[The Land Between]

Leafwatch nods vigorously, "Yeah, watch!"

And so, that's what the gloamings do. First, the start by taking everything out of themselves, particularly their skin, their hair color, and their genders, placing them off against the wall, leaving them white skinned with white hair... virtually indistinguishable from one another. And then they start picking orbs out of the piles at random. Leafwatch will pick up a ball, suddenly turning his hair Blue, to the giggles of the other gloamings, "Gotta have blue hair."

the next gloaming pulls up a bunch of different colors and plops them down onto her head all at once, creating a rainbow effect. Another gloaming rushes over to her and knocks her down, looking through her hair colors, "Kate! I found it! I found your hair!" He seems excited, and the female laying on the ground under him is giving of a pouty grumpy face, which all in all looks ridiculous. Still, they found her hair color, right?