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Thread: OOTS #830 - The Discussion Thread

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    Barbarian in the Playground
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Default Re: OOTS #830 - The Discussion Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by ti'esar View Post
    So what is going to happen to the rest of her wights, then? Certainly there were more then just the four we saw here.
    There is actually an amusingly easy to set up scenario in D&D 3.5 called the wightocalypse that might happen in situations such as these. See, most members of the PC races only have one level, and if you ever have negative levels equal or greater than your number of levels you die and become a wight. If a wight killed you this way, you return to unlife as a wight much faster (within six to twenty-four seconds). A single wight can deal one negative level to a target per round. Assuming a couple of wights find themselves in the middle of a crowded city with no adventurer types around to stop them, things get ugly fast.

    In practice, high level clerics can command or destroy wights with nearly no effort, and that undead-centric sourcebook I mentioned before add rules for them starving if they don't find someone new to drain on a regular basis, but it's still something that needs dealing with. I can't recall if intelligent undead continue to fulfill the last wishes of the being that created them after that being is destroyed, but I don't think they're compelled to.

    ...If that's right, it means Redcloak's got some cleaning up to do.
    Last edited by CN the Logos; 2012-01-24 at 01:32 AM.