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    Colossus in the Playground
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    Apr 2009

    Default Re: My Little Pony XXXVI: Superponies Everywhere!

    Quote Originally Posted by Capt. Ido Nos View Post
    I have been successfully roleplaying as Twilight Sparkle for the last six months and my group still has not realized anything is wrong or suspicious as to why I suddenly care about RP, and books.

    *pulls out interweb dueling foil* Have at ye!

    *goes to bed*
    Uh, you're seriously playing the 'I'm a closet brony' card to prove you're a bigger brony than me? I wear pony shirts and only pony shirts and literally everyone I know, from family to friends to gaming groups to coworkers, knows I'm a brony. I hold annual muffin giveaways to let random strangers know I'm a brony. I have converted a double digit number of people to the fandom. I've roleplayed ponies in tabletops and in play-by-posts. I've written multiple six star pieces of pony fanfiction. Mate, I reckon I got a lock on this argument.


    In unrelated,

    Chaos in the streets of Equestria! Luna has declared open war against Celestia, and her supporters champion the cause of the Lunar Republic! Celestia is responding with harsh crackdowns and criminal sanctions to preserve the Solar Empire! Everypony may soon have to pick a side!

    My question to the thread is: Who do you (and all your various OCs) support? The Solar Empire or the Lunar Republic?

    EDIT: If your answer is "I am an all-powerful entity who would have no truck in the wars of my lessers" my question is "Which side's uniform would you look better in?"
    Last edited by Thanqol; 2012-01-27 at 05:36 AM.