Quote Originally Posted by Sean Mirrsen View Post
Since I more or less live in the Multiverse, and am not a pony, my usual response to this sort of development is "Find a universe where this doesn't happen; continue as usual." If this war is a result of external influence, I'd find the source of this influence and retroactively remove it from the timeline, if possible. If impossible for whatever reason, I'd do my best to block the influence and repair whatever damage was done, i.e. in this case it would likely involve mind-wiping both princesses and restoring their memories from the closest match in an unaffected universe. That's basically the entire job of a Multiverse Controller in a nutshell. If it weren't for being able to actually construct 'verses to goof around in, I'd go crazy with boredom after the first decade.

But, even if I for some unfathomable reason was unable to do any of the above, I'd likely support neither of them. If they want to start a conflict, they have enough power to fight it themselves. If any of them actually cares about the people they lead, they will agree to settle their differences in a duel instead of sacrificing the lives of hundreds of ponies under their rule.
If your answer is "I am an all-powerful entity who would have no truck in the wars of my lessers" my question is "Which side's uniform would you look better in?"