Quote Originally Posted by Thanqol View Post
If your answer is "I am an all-powerful entity who would have no truck in the wars of my lessers" my question is "Which side's uniform would you look better in?"
No, my answer is "I like both princesses equally, and if they see it fit to have a conflict and I am powerless to actually stop them or abstain entirely, I'd much rather have them fight it out between themselves and not put their people in harm's way." I'm an all-powerful non-deity who does care about the wars of lessers, but is forced to either watch from the sidelines or switch the channel to something less depressing. Once you realize that the Multiverse is effectively infinite, ignoring a naturally occuring problem and moving on suddenly becomes a viable option.

And I hate uniforms on principle, as they imply conforming to something strict like military regulations. My "casual" combat suit is about equal parts white and black, with tinges of red and green thrown in for highlights. If I'm supposed to be a sort of a neutral balancing force in the Multiverse, I might as well look the part, even if nobody is usually around to appreciate it (and even when they are, nobody remembers it when I'm done... T_T).