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    Bugbear in the Playground
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Togliatti, Russia

    Default Re: My Little Pony XXXVI: Superponies Everywhere!

    Quote Originally Posted by Thanqol View Post
    Red, white, green... now I'm imagining you going in dressed in a Christmas outfit and/or clown costume. And I can't stop.
    Heh. Very funny. Would it be funny if your Mask was suddenly lined with magnesium?

    Anyway, I keep trying to get a drawing of myself done, but for all the other skills I've accumulated over my time as a Controller, drawing seems to be progressing the slowest.
    Here's what my latest attempt looked like. It's a riff on the Mii'Ari Light melee armor, with a technique set appropriate for indoor combat. Don't laugh too much, it was made a while ago.
    I keep getting the human figure proportions wrong. Spent too much time around Mii'Ari during the Greatest of the Wars campaign. Also, the red star has nothing to do with my current avatar's being located in Russia. It's just the way these Psi conduit crystals grow. I figured having a Chest Blaster was too cliche, so I put it in the belt buckle. Makes aiming a little weird, but with how much power I can channel through it, you only need to point in the general direction of the enemy anyway.

    edit: Even though Thanqol's Minimalism Week has ended, I sorta wish I hadn't posted this image right now...
    Last edited by Sean Mirrsen; 2012-01-27 at 06:20 AM.
    Bearer of the Psionic Flame
    Current occupation: Considering drawing a better Psionic Flame avatar.
    Skills: Competent Modder, Proficient Programmer, Accomplished RTD Game Master, Adequate Artist, Dabbling Writer
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