Judging from their almost complete lack of clothing, it seems they may have been in the middle of taking a leisurely swim, or perhaps bathing. Nevertheless, the only things in their possession are the shortswords they were wielding, and their now-bloodstained trousers.

With the battle subsided, the group has a chance to take in the room they're currently standing in. The walls are lined with beds, although the one near the collapsed wall appears to be ready to collapse due to wet rot. There is a small table with a drawer in it near the door, and a long table in the center of the room, which is scattered with plates and scraps of food, as well as a deck of playing cards. At regular intervals around the room, clusters of the same luminescent moss as before are mounted, providing a soft glow to the room, providing a bit of color by alleviating the need for colorless darkvision.