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Thread: Request an OotS Style Avatar XX

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    Ogre in the Playground
    Hattish Thing's Avatar

    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    writhing about

    Default Re: Request an OotS Style Avatar XX

    Hello again! I would like to request an avatar. I will put him in the Nexus Charactor Directory and in my signature. I will also give credit and eternal gratitude! Heres his description

    Alias: That nasty halfling git
    Gender: Male
    Race: Halfing
    Age: 32
    Profession: Thief, poisoner, murderer, general prick
    Description: Marciano wears a royal blue, tattered petticoat with faded gold epaulets. He has a large brown tricorn hat with an orange feather. He wears gray or brown trousers, along with a dirty white shirt. He is ugly, with black, chipped teeth, a large mole, and beady eyes, his hair is brown and greasy. His nose is also very large and hooked. He is rather unsanitary too. He wears one white glove stolen from Marty Aceford. He also has Marty's locket. His fingernails are dirty and his hands are covered in callouses. He has a bright orange ripped up cape that reaches the thin halflings knobby knees. He wears bright yellow socks and blue sandals.
    Personality: Marciano is a nasty, gross, and downright horrible person. He steals, murders, kidnaps, and enslaves others. He is lewd and perverse in nature. He is perfectly content to watch others suffer. He has a good voice however and sings all the time.
    Equipment: Knife, torch,magical rope, rum bottle, and cracked reading glasses. (Useless since he cant read.).
    Abilities: Marciano is a swindler and can sweet-talk his way out of most situations. He is good with his knife.
    Backstory: Hes a criminal always has been. He has robbed corpses and burned houses. He was responsible for the Aceford fire.
    Miscellaneous: He has a wife named Gristle. She is also ugly and nasty, albeit much fatter. He also owns an inn within the Baen're compound fortress. He tends to crawl around and do his dirty deeds in the sewers however.

    Marciano looks like the man singing, clothing and all except he's a halfling:

    Whoever does this is truly awesome.

    First Repost: Anyone!?
    Last edited by Hattish Thing; 2012-01-30 at 01:41 AM.