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Thread: Tooth and Tentacle [base class PEACH]

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    Bugbear in the Playground
    Magikeeper's Avatar

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    Dec 2009
    IL, USA

    Default Re: Tooth and Tentacle [3.5 base class PEACH]

    Feat commentary (I have more, but I don’t have a lot of time.)

    Living Blood – Most features cannot have augments added to them after they are created. Does this feat allow you to ignore that exception or are we talking about the mouth/stomach features?

    Strange/Soothing energies: So, almost no one is immune to positive energy. In fact, living creatures will strive to AVOID being immune to it since it is a healing energy. Except in 1-3 specific situations where WOTC decided it wasn’t. Or wasn’t paying attention – the savage species instance looks like someone messed up. It effects incorporeal creatures like force damage. It is probably the best energy type to pick in most situations due to it effecting almost everything except some undead and constructs. It is also really counter-intuitive. I would never expect positive energy to deal damage to living creatures, nor would anyone I know. Even the plane that KILLS people with positive energy doesn’t do it by dealing damage. The description mentioning how positive energy heals the living and hurts the undead does say "in general" so some exceptions could exist, but I don't think anyone would assume that.

    Medicine Maker: Some of the augments don’t have names and it needs serious wording help.
    Last edited by Magikeeper; 2012-01-31 at 12:12 PM.