Quote Originally Posted by kitcatk8 View Post
His hand curled gently at that spot where, if he was touching, his thumb would be on her cheek, his index finger resting delicately under the line of her jaw. To someone far away, it would indeed appear he made skin-to-skin contact. Yet he remained hovering, caressing only that which he -and by the look on her face, she too- could feel. He was pleased with the way she asked her question. Not 'what do you want?' but 'what are you after?'.

He answered just as quietly, a genuine response. "Perhaps you. Perhaps not. I haven't decided yet." He allowed his gaze to wander to where his hand rested along her jaw. "Certainly not your essence. Though one might argue they are the same thing. I don't believe it is so." Saer let his hand fall away, sliding down that sensitive area near the side of her neck before he pulled away and leaned back completely, no longer within her personal space. He was encouraged she had allowed the moment without spitting on him again. It was progress.
Nixa looks faintly disappointed when he withdraws, but it is fleeting and passes quickly, replaced yet again by her prideful look. She hasn't the faintest idea what he's on about, this rubbish with 'essences'. She only came in here for some reagents and look who she'd met. The Nexus was a weird place. She'd have something interesting to report back to her master this eve.

Nixa straightens again, attempting to ignore the odd feeling of her 'soul' or 'essence' or whatever being touched by someone she's only just met, and a demon at that. Still, if you are after me, then you've chosen well, she smirks. Yep, right back to her old over-bearing self. How predictable.

Quote Originally Posted by singingnoodle View Post
Grantaire stares. Oy! Hello! Drow! Youre a wizard!
No, Nixa is not a wizard, she's a sorceress. Big difference. Also, she's ignoring the irritant completely, mostly because he had the audacity to call her a 'wizard'.