Lucan - Half-elf bard

"Don't step on the unicorn," Lucan warns each of this companions as they find a seat. The unicorn in question is settled on the floor, his legs beneath him, watching Lucan as he plays. The bard is not playing anything in particular, just a few verses of this and that, pieces that he's picked up in his travels. Lena's hovering nearby, still flying lopsided due to missing part of her wing, but she's too proud to let that slow her down. A Coure attendant is really not big enough to stop an full-grown eladrin, but she'd done it somehow, throwing herself at the assassin with a fierce abandon that he hadn't been expected. His knife, meant for Lucan, had only nicked Lena's wing, but by the time Lucan's sword had been planted in the assassin's heart, the frost on her wing was spreading. Lucan had done the surgery himself, the razor surprisingly steady in his hand, as he cut away the poisoned wing before Lena was as icebound as Tiandra.

Lucan had grown up some. Not as much as some might have hoped for, but tragedy had given him some maturity. He was no longer as obsessed with Lings, having finally accepted that the pixies had killed the last of them. But more than that, a growing sense of responsibility had forced him to learn to think for himself, to be less trusting and less foolish. That didn't make him clever, by any means, but it had begun to make him wise.

The beginning had been meeting his father. Lucan was, by then, certain that his father was not the honorable man he'd hoped that he would be, having left his mother for good and noble, though hidden, reasons. And while Lucan had not been surprised to find a selfish and foolish man, it had still hurt. Not that Edgren wasn't grateful, but the offer to pay Lucan for his troubles in rescuing him was insulting. They had eventually settled into a courteous but uncomfortable relationship, with Lucan and Edgren his share of the ownership of the inn between them. But Lucan had soon grown lonely in his father's company, and sought his old companions.

After months of playing pirate with Zyrr, he'd learned that pirating was more than saying "Arrgh!" and "Matey!" and trying to get Lena to speak like a parrot. "Walk the plank. Ka! Walk the plank!" It turned out that real pirating meant hurting people and taking their things, and even when those people were bad, or at least working for bad people, it just wasn't much fun. So he had volunteered for the mission to the Temple of Bahamut, to try to convince the dragons and their riders to join the war.

Bahamut has a strong sense of justice, so one might think it'd be easy to convince them to fight against a traitor who'd imprisoned his own mother, but they were outsiders in the Feywild. They weren't fey like the eladrin, or the fey dragons, so they hadn't felt that it was their part to interfere in this fight. Lucan and Lena had done their best to convince them, but in the end, it was probably Yuri who had made the best case. Lucan had been as surprised by his arrival as anyone, a unicorn boldly entering the Temple of Bahamut, but he had recognized the animal. The distinctive black patch on his flank marked him as one of the unicorns rescued from Captain Farrel's ship, and since returned to the Feywild. Lucan never learned how Yuri had found him, but the Bahamutian priests had taken it for a sign, and Lucan had flown to the battle on dragonback. Somehow, the fact that there was no way for a unicorn to ride a dragon had not been an impediment to Yuri in the least, and he had shown up in time for the battle.