A sickly light, seeking.
Quote Originally Posted by Cassius Humatiel
Cassius Humatiel, the Sickly Hunter- LN Lumi Psychic Warrior 3/Slayer 4/Binder 1/Consecrated Harrier 10

The Light of Truth
"My son, have I told you of the light that all men fear? Take a seat, for this tale may be a long time in the telling...

There is a place, the sages say, that glows with the pure Light of Truth. This place, they say, is populated by beings made entirely of that same Light. They speak the truth, enforce the Law, and seek to right all wrongs created by those who lie and cheat and steal. Though their numbers are few, their skill is matched only by their dedication to absolute truth.

Most mortals tell lies. Little white lies, that make life easier. Sometimes it is simpler to hide the details and skip right to the point. This type of lie escapes the notice of the Light, but not for lack of trying on their part. They simply lack the manpower to track down every lie that has ever been told.

Some mortals, however, tell grand lies. Huge in scale, and massive in implication. These lies shape the world in many way, for good and for ill. Some lies can create or destroy nations. Those who tell these lies must be ever vigilant, for though the Light of Truth is pure, it has a sickly yellow brother..."

"The Harriers?"

"Yes, my son. The Harriers. A greenish-yellow light, speckled in brown. A once-pure soul now tainted and forever barred from returning to the Citadel. These outcasts work tirelessly on behalf of the Light of Truth to hunt down those who tell those massive lies. Their arrows shall find the liars out.

The Lumi, the eponymous beings of light, are fervent in their hatred of lies, distortion, and obfuscation. So much that a small number of them become the Harriers, a group who intentionally taint their own Light by accessing forgotten and forbidden magics: Binding. A sickly old woman, long since passed from mortal memory, gives them their diseased appearance in exchange for power.

The power to hunt down those responsible for the lies that offend the Light."

The Build
{table=head]Level|Class|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Skills|Feats|Class Features

1st|Outsider Hit Die 1|
|Disguise 4, Gather Information 4, Knowledge: Local, Concentration 4, Listen 4, Search 4, Spot 4, Sense Motive 4, Knowledge: Dungeoneering 2, Psicraft 2|Improved Initiative, City Slicker|Body of Light, Clear Vision, Floating Head, Spell-like Abilities, Outsider traits

2nd|Outsider Hit Die 2|
|Disguise 5, Gather Information 5, Knowledge: Local 5, Concentration 5, Listen 5, Search 5, Spot 5, Sense Motive 5, Knowledge: Dungeoneering 4, Psicraft 4|-|-

3rd|Psychic Warrior 1|
|Autohypnosis 1, Disguise 5, Gather Information 5, Knowledge: Local 5, Concentration 6, Listen 5, Search 6, Spot 5, Sense Motive 5, Knowledge: Dungeoneering 4, Psicraft 4|Zen Archery, Point Blank Shot|-

4th|Psychic Warrior 2|
|Autohypnosis 2, Disguise 5, Gather Information 5, Knowledge: Local 5, Concentration 7, Listen 5, Search 7, Spot 5, Sense Motive 5, Knowledge: Dungeoneering 4, Psicraft 4|Practiced Manifester|-

5th|Psychic Warrior 3|
|Autohypnosis 3, Disguise 5, Gather Information 5, Knowledge: Local 5, Concentration 8, Listen 5, Search 8, Spot 5, Sense Motive 5, Knowledge: Dungeoneering 4, Psicraft 4|-|-

6th|Slayer 1|
|Autohypnosis 3, Disguise 5, Gather Information 5, Knowledge: Local 5, Concentration 9, Listen 6, Search 8, Spot 6, Sense Motive 6, Knowledge: Dungeoneering 5, Psicraft 4|Track|Favored Enemy +2, Enemy Sense

7th|Slayer 2|
|Autohypnosis 3, Disguise 5, Gather Information 5, Knowledge: Local 5, Concentration 10, Listen 7, Search 8, Spot 7, Sense Motive 7, Knowledge: Dungeoneering 6, Psicraft 4|-|Brain Nausea

8th|Consecrated Harrier 1|
|Autohypnosis 3, Disguise 5, Gather Information 5, Knowledge: Local 5, Concentration 10, Listen 8, Search 9, Spot 8, Sense Motive 7, Knowledge: Dungeoneering 6, Psicraft 4|-|Blessing of Scripture +2, detect chaos

9th|Binder 1|
|Autohypnosis 3, Disguise 5, Gather Information 6, Knowledge: Local 5, Concentration 11, Listen 8, Search 9, Spot 8, Sense Motive 8, Knowledge: Dungeoneering 6, Psicraft 4|Psionic Meditation|Soul Binding

10th|Slayer 3|
|Autohypnosis 3, Disguise 5, Gather Information 5, Knowledge: Local 5, Concentration 12, Listen 9, Search 9, Spot 9, Sense Motive 9, Knowledge: Dungeoneering 7, Psicraft 4|-|Lucid Buffer

11th|Consecrated Harrier 2|
|Autohypnosis 3, Disguise 5, Gather Information 5, Knowledge: Local 5, Concentration 12, Listen 10, Search 10, Spot 10, Sense Motive 9, Knowledge: Dungeoneering 7, Psicraft 4|-|Sanctified Sight

12th|Slayer 4|
|Autohypnosis 3, Disguise 5, Gather Information 5, Knowledge: Local 5, Concentration 13, Listen 11, Search 10, Spot 11, Sense Motive 10, Knowledge: Dungeoneering 8, Psicraft 4|Rapid Shot|Favored Enemy +4

13th|Consecrated Harrier 3|
|Autohypnosis 3, Disguise 5, Gather Information 6, Knowledge: Local 5, Concentration 13, Listen 12, Search 10, Spot 12, Sense Motive 10, Knowledge: Dungeoneering 8, Psicraft 4|-|Dispel magic

14th|Consecrated Harrier 4|
|Autohypnosis 3, Disguise 5, Gather Information 7, Knowledge: Local 5, Concentration 13, Listen 13, Search 10, Spot 13, Sense Motive 10, Knowledge: Dungeoneering 8, Psicraft 4|-|Crushing despair

15th|Consecrated Harrier 5|
|Autohypnosis 3, Disguise 5, Gather Information 8, Knowledge: Local 5, Concentration 13, Listen 14, Search 10, Spot 14, Sense Motive 10, Knowledge: Dungeoneering 8, Psicraft 4|Woodland Archer|Blessing of Scripture +4

16th|Consecrated Harrier 6|
|Autohypnosis 3, Disguise 5, Gather Information 9, Knowledge: Local 5, Concentration 13, Listen 15, Search 10, Spot 15, Sense Motive 10, Knowledge: Dungeoneering 8, Psicraft 4|-|False Vision

17th|Consecrated Harrier 7|
|Autohypnosis 3, Disguise 5, Gather Information 10, Knowledge: Local 5, Concentration 13, Listen 16, Search 10, Spot 16, Sense Motive 10, Knowledge: Dungeoneering 8, Psicraft 4|-|-

18th|Consecrated Harrier 8|
|Autohypnosis 3, Disguise 5, Gather Information 11, Knowledge: Local 5, Concentration 13, Listen 17, Search 10, Spot 17, Sense Motive 10, Knowledge: Dungeoneering 8, Psicraft 4|Improved Precise Shot|Implacable Hunt

19th|Consecrated Harrier 9|
|Autohypnosis 3, Disguise 5, Gather Information 12, Knowledge: Local 5, Concentration 13, Listen 18, Search 10, Spot 18, Sense Motive 10, Knowledge: Dungeoneering 8, Psicraft 4|-|-

20th|Consecrated Harrier 10|
|Autohypnosis 3, Disguise 5, Gather Information 13, Knowledge: Local 5, Concentration 13, Listen 19, Search 10, Spot 19, Sense Motive 10, Knowledge: Dungeoneering 8, Psicraft 4|-|Blessing of Scripture +6, faultless hunt[/table]

Spells per day





















{table=head]Level|Power Points|Bonus Power Points|Powers Known





5th|3|15|Defensive Precognition

6th|5|18|Perfect Archery




10th|11|35|Dissolving Weapon


12th|15|38|Dimension Slide








Note: The table assumes ability scores unmodified by equipment. If gear is included, adjust the table accordingly.

Level-by-level Breakdown
Note: This build assumes LA buyoff is allowed. If not, you lose your last two levels of Consecrated Harrier, which is a bit of a drag, but you still end up with 16 BAB.

Level 1-5: You've got 2 levels of Lumi HD, and honestly, you could do worse for a non-class HD. 8+int mod skills, d8 HD, all good saves, and good BAB, and a laundry list of SLA's and immunities, not to mention Outsider traits? I'm sold. Tack on 3 levels of Psychic Warrior, and you're solid. Your hit points won't be spectacular, apart from your good Constitution score, but with access to Vigor, who cares?

Level 6-10: Here's where we start getting meaty. 3 levels of Slayer, plus 1 level of Binder (for Leraje) and your first Consecrated Harrier level. We grab Psionic Meditation so we can manifest Hustle for free when we like, and binding Leraje gives us a neat ability that's still not too irrelevant to not use occasionally. After 9th level, we never lose a point of BAB again.

Level 11-15: This is where the sweet spot is. I place it at level 13, because that's the earliest level that we have access to +11 BAB and rapid shot, leading to some real pain being laid down in the form of arrows. Also, we've just barely finished our psionic progression, so our powers are all still relevant. We've got access to a limited Dispel ability, which, at this point, will still get a little bit of use.

Level 15-20: At level 20, this build counts among its major tools the following: Limited Binding, 3rd-level Psionic Powers, 4th-level spells from the Ranger list, +18 BAB, and Outsider traits. I place the final result somewhere in the Tier 3 neighborhood, depending on what splatbooks you've got available to you. The more Ranger spells you have access to, the better off you are.

Use of the Secret Ingredient
As Secret Ingredients go, this one isn't as terrible as some. It's a little unfocused and it certainly has some glaring errors in design, but it's a full-BAB, good Will save class with 4+int mod skills, d10 HD, and Ranger spells.

The Ranger spell list is a very solid list. With everything from Arrow Storm to Guided Shot, and if you're playing an archer, you NEED some of these spells. Playing a Divine/Psionic archer gish means you get access to the best spells and powers for archery that the game has to offer. Being as Wis-SAD (go Zen Archery!) as you can means your dispel magic ability will see maximum use, not to mention the other SLAs offered. The Lumi race meshes nicely with the Sanctified Sight ability, given that illusion magic is punishable by death in Lumi society. Consecrated Harrier and Slayer mix nicely, with Favored Enemy further boosting your perception skills against those you choose to hunt.

Probably one of the most gear-dependant concepts in the game, archery lives or dies by its gear. There are numerous guides out there in the wild interwebs detailing what kind of stuff you need just to stay relevant, let alone be good at your job. Luckily, this build circumvents a good deal of that with an expanded Ranger spell list and 3rd level Psionic powers (one of which is Dissolving Weapon: cast it on your arrows, go to sleep, and it sticks around til you use it).

Still, a Splitting bow is damn near indispensable. Explosive, Knockback, Phasing, Force, Holy, Unholy, Exit Wounds, Dispelling, Magebane, Bane, Corrosive, Seeking, Precise, or Distance would also serve you well.