It's in his blood. hound.
Quote Originally Posted by Lama de Maldini
Lama de Maldini
LE Wild Elf, Ranger 4/Bloodhound8/Consecrated Harrier 8
Stats at lvl 1: Str: 14, Dex: 17, Con: 14, Int: 10, Wis: 14, Cha: 10
Stats at lvl 20: Str: 14, Dex: 22, Con: 14, Int: 10, Wis: 14, Cha: 10

{table=head]Level|Class|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Skills|Feats|Class Features

1st|Ranger(champion of the wild variant) 1|
|Gather Information 2, Move Silently 4, Survival 4, Disguise 2, Spot 4, Hide 4|Apprentice(Woodsman)|1st Favored Enemy(Human), Track, Wild Empathy

2nd|Ranger 2|
|Gather Information 2½, Move Silently 5, Survival 5, Disguise 2½, Spot 5, Hide 5||Combat style(Two weapon combat)

3rd|Ranger 3|
|Gather Information 3, Move Silently 6, Survival 6, Disguise 3, Spot 6, Hide 6|weapon Focus(light mace)|Endurance

4th|Ranger 4|
|Gather Information 3, Move Silently 7, Survival 7, Disguise 3, Spot 7, Hide 7, Listen +2|B. Feat: Weapon Finesse|ACF: Spiritual Guide

5th|Bloodhound 1|
|Gather Information 4, Move Silently 8, Survival 8, Disguise 4, Spot 8, Hide 8, Listen +2| |Mark (1), Swift Tracker

6th|Bloodhound 2|
|Gather Information 5, Move Silently 9, Survival 9, Disguise 5, Spot 9, Hide 9, Listen +2|Combat Reflexes|Nonlethal Force, Ready and Waiting

7th|Bloodhound 3|
|Gather Information 6, Move Silently 10, Survival 10, Disguise 6, Spot 10, Hide 10, Listen +2| |Bring ‘em back alive, tenacious pursuit (speed +10 ft.)

8th|Bloodhound 4|
|Gather Information 7, Move Silently 11, Survival 11, Disguise 7, Spot 11, Hide 11, Listen +2| |Hunter’s Dedication, Mark (2), Move like the wind

9th|Bloodhound 5|
|Gather Information 8, Move Silently 12, Survival 12, Disguise 8, Spot 12, Hide 12, Listen +2|Lightning Mace|Crippling Strike, Track the Trackless

10th|Bloodhound 6|
|Gather Information 9, Move Silently 13, Survival 13, Disguise 9, Spot 13, Hide 13, Listen +2| |See invisibility, Shielded mind, Tenacious Pursuit (speed +20ft.)

11th|Bloodhound 7|
|Gather Information 10, Move Silently 14, Survival 14, Disguise 10, Spot 14, Hide 14, Listen +2| |Locate Creature, Mark (3)

12th|Bloodhound 8|
|Gather Information 11, Move Silently 15, Survival 15, Disguise 11, Spot 15, Hide 15, Listen +2|Improved Two weapon Fighting|Freedom of Movement

13th|Consecrated Harrier 1|
|Gather Information 12, Move Silently 16, Survival 16, Disguise 11, Spot 15, Hide 16, Listen +2| |Blessing of Scripture +2, Detect Chaos

14th|Consecrated Harrier 2|
|Gather Information 13, Move Silently 16½, Survival 17, Disguise 11, Spot 15, Hide 16½, Listen +2| |Sanctified Script

15th|Consecrated Harrier 3|
|Gather Information 14, Move Silently 17, Survival 18, Disguise 11, Spot 15, Hide 17, Listen +2|travel Devotion| Dispel Magic

16th|Consecrated Harrier 4|
|Gather Information 15, Move Silently 17½, Survival 19, Disguise 11, Spot 15, Hide 17½, Listen +2| |Crushing Despair

17th|Consecrated Harrier 5|
|Gather Information 16, Move Silently 18, Survival 20, Disguise 11, Spot 15, Hide 18, Listen +2| |Blessing of Scripture +4

18th|Consecrated Harrier 6|
|Gather Information 17, Move Silently 18½, Survival 21, Disguise 11, Spot 15, Hide 18½, Listen +2|Greater Two Weapon fighting|False Vision

19th|Consecrated Harrier 7|
|Gather Information 18, Move Silently 19, Survival 22, Disguise 11, Spot 15, Hide 19, Listen +2||

20th|Consecrated Harrier|
|Gather Information 19, Move Silently 19, Survival 23 Disguise 13, Spot 15, Hide 19, Listen +2| |Implacable Hunt[/table]
Spells pr. day
Spells per day



















20th|3|2|1|1| [/table]

Level 1 -5
“I remember as a young elf, the elders of my tribe quickly saw the potential in me, by observing how I moved through the woods with great speed, and hunted the animals with great passion. They placed me in an apprenticeship under one of the tribe’s great hunter, Eisha. Eisha taught me all of his tricks, and showed me how to track things through the woods with even greater skill. He also taught me how to track down the humans who often was a pest for this forest, and who often got hunted down by the tribe, to pay for what they had done to the inhabitants of the forest.”
Levels 1 – 5 give us a nice base to build our character, Apprentice(Woodsman) is taken as the level 1 feat, so we are able to keep survival as a class skill all the way up to level 20. As we don’t plan on getting Ranger spells, we might as well swap it out, and Champion of the wild gives us Weapon Finesse as a bonus feat instead at level 4, giving us dex to hit, and as a TWF’er, that will help with our “to hit” along with our high BAB, spiritual Guide ACF instead of an animal companion gives us a constant +1 bonus on survival, spot, search, listen, knowledge(nature) and Handle Animal in natural surroundings, instead of a low level animal companion. We also get our first level of Bloodhound which grants us Swift hunter and a bonus on Gather Information, Listen, Search, Spot and Survival when hunting our Mark

Level 6 – 10
“After the apprenticeship under Eisha, I got summoned by the Bounty Hunter Guild of our Village, they had heard about my progress as a hunter, especially my success with tracking down the humans who had been a great plague in this area, and wanted to sign me as a bounty hunter. I grew under these years, I developed my skills in combat with my maces, and also learned how to bring back my targets while still being alive and drained of their strength, adding even more so to the total sum that I managed to earn the guild.”
Levels 6 – 10 gives us more Bloodhound gang, and from these we get some very nice abilities to hunt down our mark, 2x Tenacious Pursuit gives +20 ft. speed which will help in keeping up with our mark, Nonlethal Force makes us able to deal nonlethal dmg without a penalty to hit and Bring ‘em back alive ensures we are able to bring our mark back for punishment even when we have to resort to doing regular dmg. Move like the wind and track the trackless means we have even better chance of finding our mark, and see invisibility helps if they try to turn invisible. Hunter’s dedication also comes online and is a nice +2 bonus on will saves against the mark. Even more importantly in level 9 a nice combo comes online namely Lightning Mace and Crippling strikes, this allows us to hit our enemies with mace attacks that deals str. Dmg and every time we threaten a crit, we get another chance to reduce the enemies str.

Level 11 – 15
“One day after coming home from a hunting trip, my guild master informed me that an acolyte of our tribes spiritual elder, Hamann, had visited, Hamann wanted my skills as a hunter, an especially elusive human, had been spotted in the forest, he had formerly been known for hunting animals just for the fun of it, leaving dead or dying animals laying around the forest, and also killing elves on sight. If I was able to do something about this human, I would be initiated into the spiritual circle of the tribe and become a very rich man with no more need to worry about goods or power. After days of traveling and tracking I found him in the middle of the forest, busy hunting yet another animal, I got the jump on him and pounding on him with my maces, with the blows from my maces beating down the strength of his body. The would be hunter soon lay before my unconscious, both alive, now all that was left was to bring him back to the tribe, and leave him Hamann’s wrath. After my success I was initiated into the circle, learning even more ways to track my enemies and also gained access to the divine power granted by nature to her faithful servants.”
Levels 11 – 15 we take our last two levels in Bloodhound, granting us Locate Creature for another way to locate our mark and freedom of movement, to have a couple of rounds to move through intangible surfaces. In These levels we also gain our first levels in Consecrated Harrier, boosting our will save, but also Blessing of Scripture which gives us another bonus to Bluff, Listen, Sense motive, spot and survival against our church target, which can be the same as our mark from bloodhound, so that’s a + 12 bonus to survival from class features at level 15, Other than that we also get Dispel Magic, and Sanctified Sight which will help more against marks who can cast spells, Improved two-weapon fighting get’s picked up for more attacks and travel devotion gets added to the mix, so we can close the gap to our enemy and still get all our attacks off

Level 16 – 20
“As you can see, I have learned much since the time I was but an apprentice under Eisha, few humans have since then tried to mock the power of this mighty forest, and those who have, have all fallen prey to my wrath, or so my track record says at least, or what is our opinion on that?”
“You know… you humans are so impolite, just because you are lying on the ground with no strength, you could at least answer me…”
Level 16 – 20 sees the end of the build, our will save keeps improving, Crushing Despair and False vision get’s added to our spell likes, giving us more ways to deal with not getting detected by our mark and debuffing him as well. We get the next level of blessing of scripture, boosting our survival even more, placing us as the top tracker we are with a +39 (23(Skill rank)+8(Bloodhound Mark)+4(Blessing of scripture)+2(Favoured enemy)+2(Apprentice(woodsman))) on our Survival skill at lvl 20 when tracking our target, 37 if target isn't human. Greater Two-weapon fighting get’s added to the mix, giving us even more attacks to drain STR. From our enemies


Complete Adventurer
Completer Champion
Complete Divine
Complete Warrior
Spell Compendium