Tailed by a Manx. There's irony there, somewhere.
Quote Originally Posted by Manx Fireheart

Manx doesn’t like to talk about his past. It has nothing to do with shame. It is just a life he left behind and that is all. For this reason, the details of his past are vague. I have known the man for many years, and after all that time, I have only been able to piece together this simple story.

Born into a noble house, Manx was schooled rigorously. He took naturally to the bow and the book. He rarely had anytime for childish things and for most of his young life he had a full itinerary. Life was simple and earnest.

As talented as he was in some areas, he lacked the natural affinity for the social arts. And for this reason, he was not the family’s first choice for heir. Truthfully, it wasn’t a lack of affinity, it was a general disdain for the art. Manx had no love for sweet words and white lies, compromises of morality, and cleverly designed strokes to the ego. He chose to ignore those lessons.

Manx was a full grown man when the political climate of his house shifted, suddenly. During an assassination attempt at a routine diplomatic meeting, his brother, the heir apparent, had recklessly tried to protect the intended target. His actions resulted in the loss of his life, the loss of the families chosen heir, and the loss of Manx’s simple life.

His ancient father, not long for this world, scrambled to force a lifetime of learning into Manx’s skull. All of Manx’s attempts to balk the newfound familial pressure failed. He had tutors following him into the pothouse. After a month, Manx could simply not take it anymore. He was who he was. He believed nobility came from character, not blood. His family could not and would not change who he was.

The next part of the story is a little fuzzy even to me. I know Manx made a stand of some sort. It didn’t go well. Either they banished him for it, or they tried to kill him and he escaped. I prefer the latter version myself. Either way he ended up free. In his youthful studies, he had learned of a God named Nobanion, or Aslan to some, a noble lion who upheld Manx’s same principles of nobility of character. Something about the deity spoke to Manx.
He spent the next few years wandering the woodlands, seeking a sign from Nobanion. He took on a noble quest of self improvement. He had been taught to survive the wilds as a child, but in a few years time he was a true woodsman.

It was shortly after this, that I first met Manx. Nobanion had sent me to find a cub, to give him the Test of the Consecrated Hunt. And I was privileged to have known the man. There has never been one more noble of heart, or one more suited to disposing of the cursed beasts of Malar.
-Tobias Longley, Consecrated Harrier of Nobanion-

General info
Age: 28
Name: Richard Darcy Harrison the Third
Nickname: Manx (pronounced Manks) Fireheart
Sex: Male
God: Nobanion
Campaign: Forgotten Realms
Appearance: As Picture
Race: Human
Alignment: Lawful Good

10 Str
16 Dex
12 Con
16 Int
12 Wis
10 Cha

+5 Int - level Bumps
+5 Int - Int Book
+4 Dex - Dex Book
+6 All - Belt of Magnificence


16 Str
26 Dex
18 Con
32 Int
18 Wis
16 Cha

Manx Fireheart (Richard Darcy Harrison III)
{table=head]Level|Class|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Skills|Feats|Class Features

1st|Factotum 1|
|True Speak 4, Knowledge Dungeoneering 4, Knowledge Nature 4, Knowledge Arcana 4, Knowledge Religion 4, Knowledge Nobility and Royalty 2, Survival 4, Disguise 4, Gather Information 4, Tumble 4, Sense Motive 2 |Able Learner*, Point Blank Shot|Inspiration, Cunning Insight, Cunning Knowledge, Trapfinding

2nd|Fighter 1|
|True Speak 5, Knowledge Dungeoneering 4, Knowledge Nature 5, Knowledge Arcana 4, Knowledge Religion 4, Knowledge Nobility and Royalty 2, Survival 5, Disguise 5, Gather Information 5, Tumble 5, Sense Motive 2|Precise Shot*|Bonus Feat

3rd|Ranger 1|
|True Speak 6, Knowledge Dungeoneering 4, Knowledge Nature 5, Knowledge Arcana 4, Knowledge Religion 4, Knowledge Nobility and Royalty 2, Survival 6, Disguise 5, Gather Information 5, Tumble 5, Sense Motive 4, Spot 2, Listen 2| Minor Utterance of the Evolving Mind (Inertia Surge), Track* |Rival Organization (Followers of Malar) +2, Track Bonus feat, Wild Empathy

4th|Ranger 2|
|True Speak 7, Knowledge Dungeoneering 4, Knowledge Nature 5, Knowledge Arcana 4, Knowledge Religion 4, Knowledge Nobility and Royalty 2, Survival 7, Disguise 5, Gather Information 5, Tumble 5, Sense Motive 6, Spot 4, Listen 4| Rapid shot*|Combat Style (Archery)

5th|Factotum 2|
|True Speak 8, Knowledge Dungeoneering 4, Knowledge Nature 5, Knowledge Arcana 4, Knowledge Religion 4, Knowledge Nobility and Royalty 2, Survival 8, Disguise 5, Gather Information 5, Tumble 5, Sense Motive 8, Spot 7, Listen 7|- |Arcane Dilettante (1 spell) (lvl 0)

6th|Factotum 3|
|True Speak 9, Knowledge Dungeoneering 5, Knowledge Nature 5, Knowledge Arcana 5, Knowledge Religion 5, Knowledge Nobility and Royalty 2, Survival 9, Disguise 5, Gather Information 5, Tumble 5, Sense Motive 9, Spot 9, Listen 9| Extend Utterance |Brains over brawn, Cunning Defense, Arcane Dilettante (1 spell) (lvl 1)

7th|Consecrated Harrier 1|
|True Speak 10, Knowledge Dungeoneering 6, Knowledge Nature 6, Knowledge Arcana 6, Knowledge Religion 5, Knowledge Nobility and Royalty 2, Survival 10, Disguise 5, Gather Information 5, Tumble 5, Sense Motive 10, Spot 10, Listen 10|-|Blessings of Scripture +2, Detect Chaos SLA

8th| Consecrated Harrier 2|
|True Speak 11, Knowledge Dungeoneering 7, Knowledge Nature 7, Knowledge Arcana 7, Knowledge Religion 5, Knowledge Nobility and Royalty 2, Survival 11, Disguise 5, Gather Information 6, Tumble 5, Sense Motive 11, Spot 11, Listen 11|-|Sanctified Sight

9th| Consecrated Harrier 3|
|True Speak 12, Knowledge Dungeoneering 8, Knowledge Nature 8, Knowledge Arcana 8, Knowledge Religion 5, Knowledge Nobility and Royalty 2, Survival 12, Disguise 5, Gather Information 7, Tumble 5, Sense Motive 12, Spot 12, Listen 12| Knowledge Devotion |Dispel Magic SLA

10th| Consecrated Harrier 4|
|True Speak 13, Knowledge Dungeoneering 9, Knowledge Nature 9, Knowledge Arcana 9, Knowledge Religion 5, Knowledge Nobility and Royalty 2, Survival 13, Disguise 5, Gather Information 8, Tumble 5, Sense Motive 13, Spot 13, Listen 13|-|Crushing Despair SLA

11th| Consecrated Harrier 5|
|True Speak 14, Knowledge Dungeoneering 10, Knowledge Nature 10, Knowledge Arcana 10, Knowledge Religion 5, Knowledge Nobility and Royalty 2, Survival 14, Disguise 5, Gather Information 9, Tumble 5, Sense Motive 14, Spot 14, Listen 14|-|Blessings of Scripture +4

12th| Consecrated Harrier 6|
|True Speak 15, Knowledge Dungeoneering 11, Knowledge Nature 11, Knowledge Arcana 11, Knowledge Religion 5, Knowledge Nobility and Royalty 2, Survival 15, Disguise 5, Gather Information 10, Tumble 5, Sense Motive 15, Spot 15, Listen 15| Skill Focus (True Speak)|False Vision SLA

13th| Consecrated Harrier 7|
|True Speak 16, Knowledge Dungeoneering 12, Knowledge Nature 12, Knowledge Arcana 12, Knowledge Religion 5, Knowledge Nobility and Royalty 2, Survival 16, Disguise 5, Gather Information 11, Tumble 5, Sense Motive 16, Spot 16, Listen 16|-|-

14th| Consecrated Harrier 8|
|True Speak 17, Knowledge Dungeoneering 13, Knowledge Nature 13, Knowledge Arcana 13, Knowledge Religion 5, Knowledge Nobility and Royalty 2, Survival 17, Disguise 5, Gather Information 12, Tumble 5, Sense Motive 17, Spot 17, Listen 17|-|Implacable Hunt

15th|Exemplar 1|
|True Speak 18, Knowledge Dungeoneering 15, Knowledge Nature 15, Knowledge Arcana 15, Knowledge Religion 5, Knowledge Nobility and Royalty 2, Survival 18, Disguise 5, Gather Information 14, Tumble 5, Sense Motive 18, Spot 18, Listen 18| Font of Inspiration |Skill Artistry(Truespeak), Skill Mastery (1+ Int skills)

16th| Exemplar 2|
|True Speak 19, Knowledge Dungeoneering 17, Knowledge Nature 17, Knowledge Arcana 17, Knowledge Religion 5, Knowledge Nobility and Royalty 2, Survival 19, Disguise 5, Gather Information 17, Tumble 5, Sense Motive 19, Spot 19, Listen 19|-|Lend Talent (one half penalty), Skill Mastery (2+Int Skills)

17th| Exemplar 3|
|True Speak 20, Knowledge Dungeoneering 19, Knowledge Nature 19, Knowledge Arcana 19, Knowledge Religion 5, Knowledge Nobility and Royalty 2, Survival 20, Disguise 5, Gather Information 20, Tumble 5, Sense Motive 20, Spot 20, Listen 20| Improve Initiative*|Bonus Feat, Skill Mastery (3+Int Skills)

18th| Exemplar 4|
|True Speak 21, Knowledge Dungeoneering 20, Knowledge Nature 21, Knowledge Arcana 21, Knowledge Religion 5, Knowledge Nobility and Royalty 2, Survival 21, Disguise 5, Gather Information 21, Tumble 5, Sense Motive 21, Spot 21, Listen 21| Font of Inspiration |Skill Artistry (Sense Motive), Sustaining Prescence, Skill Mastery (4+Int Skills)

19th| Exemplar 5|
|True Speak 22, Knowledge Dungeoneering 22, Knowledge Nature 22, Knowledge Arcana 22, Knowledge Religion 5, Knowledge Nobility and Royalty 2, Survival 22, Disguise 5, Gather Information 22, Tumble 5, Sense Motive 22, Spot 22, Listen 22, Balance 4|-|Persuasive Perfomance, Skill Mastery (5+Int Skills)

20th|Fighter 2|
|True Speak 23, Knowledge Dungeoneering 22, Knowledge Nature 23, Knowledge Arcana 23, Knowledge Religion 5, Knowledge Nobility and Royalty 2, Survival 22, Disguise 5, Gather Information 22, Tumble 5, Sense Motive 23, Spot 23, Listen 23, Balance 4| Improved Precise Shot*|Bonus Feat[/table]

Consecrated Harrier Spellcasting
Spells per day/Spells Known









Consecrated Harrier Bonus spells
Bonus spells





Truespeak check breakdown
+3-+11 Int
+4-+23 Ranks
+5 then +10 Amulet of the Silver Tongue
+2 masterwork tool (Truespeak Flash Cards)
+4 Skill Artistry
+3 Skill Focus
(+1-+3 Cunning Knowledge optional)
1st - +7(+8)
20th - +53(+56) with the option of taking 10 for a total of 63(66)

The Gods Involved

Quick Nobanion Source:http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Nobanion

"Hunt only when hungry and do not gorge without need. Waste nothing and all shall have plenty. The cycle of life links all living things into one being, and that being is life itself. The law of the jungle is that only the strong survive, but they survive best by being leaders, not tyrants, by protecting the weak, not bullying them. All creatures have their strengths in the assigned roles and should be encouraged to find their niche. From cooperation between beings of differing strengths comes the strength of teamwork and community, the strongest force of all. By demonstrating compassion and tolerance and living within the land, all living creatures may find harmony with nature and one another. By staying true to oneself and one's pride and conducting oneself with dignity and honor, the respect of one's peers may be earned."


Quick Malar Source: http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Malar

"Survival of the fittest and the winnowing of the weak are Malar's legacy. A brutal, bloody death or kill has great meaning. The crux of life is the challenge between the hunter and the prey, the determination of who lives or dies. View every important task as a hunt. Remain ever alert and alive. Walk the wilderness without trepidation, and show no fear to the hunt. Savagery and strong emotions defeat reason and careful thought in all things. Taste the blood of those you slay, and never kill from a distance. Work against those who cut back the forest and who kill beasts solely because they are dangerous. Slay not the young, the pregnant, or deepspawn so that prey will remain plentiful."

Nobanion is in direct conflict with Malar because of his dogma. And the two are sworn enemies. All of Manx's Consecrated Harrier Targets, are likely to be followers of Malar and over his life he has honed his style to take advantage of the tactical weaknesses of these brutish foes.

Use of the Secret Ingredient
getting ranger spells at an advanced rate is very useful for Manx. Ranger spells synergize with his Archery very well. They also provide useful travel options. And enhance his already impressive tracking abilities.

the full bab aligns with his more combat oriented style of divine worship.

Blessings of Scripture
Very useful. The Bonus to damage really adds up for archers.

Dispel Magic
The blessing of Malar melt away before the light of Nobanion’s mane.

Occasionally followers of Malar are buffcentric. This SLA earns it keep in those scenarios.

Crushing Despair
I smell your fear, and will show you despair!

From a mechanical standpoint, I can not think of a time when crushing despair will be used. But from a roleplay standpoint, I love having it.

False Vision
When someone attempts to scry on Manx, they see only the image of a shining noble lion.

Detect Chaos
More for roleplay, it lets Manx know the true heart of those he meets.

Implacable Hunt
This ability rarely gets used as intended. Followers of Malar can not be cowards. They will almost always fight to the death. However, by taking a loose interpretation of the ability, we can gain a powerful use out of it.
If Manx hunts down a foe and shoots it. He has wounded it. Now, no matter what happens, if that foe ever escapes, Manx will know in which direction the target lies.
One could interpret, that dying and later being raised from the dead, is a form of escape. By this interpretation of the ability, Manx becomes the ultimate hunter. If Malar ever brings one of his targets back from the dead, Manx will instantly feel which direction they lie in and soon hunt them down.

This interpretation is by no means necessary to the build. But it is a reasonable interpretation and adds a large amount of flavor to the build.

The prestige class just fits the character idea and story too well to pass up.

Why Did You Only Take 8 levels?

Basically, I could of taken all 10 easily. But the last 2 lvls do not do anything for the build. Manx will never be interested in cross planar hunts. In other words, I had sucked the SI dry. I looked at the build with 10 CH and then with 8 CH. And I just couldn't justify taking the last 2 levels.

Some of these aspects I will not talk about in the level breakdown because I feel I have adequately explained them here. This does not mean they are more or less useful. It just means I didn’t want to explain them twice.

Level Breakdown
Lvl 6
This is the first level where Manx starts to be something more than a typical archer. It is also the level where he undergoes the Test of the Consecrated Hunt to qualify for the Secret Ingredient. So I chose to start here at 6 instead of 5.
At this lvl, we literally have the perfect set up for killing appropriate CR matched Followers of Malar for a solo adventurer.
Manx’s typical strategy is to use Malar’s own dogma against his worshipers. If they are alone he challenges them. If they outnumber him, he uses their pride to challenge them to one on one combat. If they refuse, he heckles them with comments like “You won’t be leader of this tribe much longer, if you are scared to face me one on one, but then again, you won’t be leader much longer if you do. *grin*” The double insult calls them cowardly while insinuating they would lose in a one on one match, and is typically very effective for convincing compliance.

Once combat has started, Manx uses his high initiative modifier (high dex+high int = high initiative thanks to brains over brawn) to get the jump on his opponent. “Zer’grax Ladnizam, in the name of Nobanion, I, Manx Fireheart, bind and slay you.” An extended reversed Inertia Surge binds the opponent in place for 2 rounds. This bind even stops teleportion magic. The subject can not move from the spot. For his move Manx draws his bow. Because Malar commands his followers to “never kill from a distance”, his opponent is left on his turn with a crisis of faith, and usually spends the round screaming bloody rage and profanities. On Manx’s next turn, he full attacks with his bow. He repeats these actions alternately. He uses his move action during intertial surge rounds to get distance. If he fails his inertial surge truespeak check, he will use his move to find cover to block the charge. On the following round he can tumble away and move to cover then attempt inertial surge again.

He can use inspiration points from his Factotum levels to augment his performance throughout combat as needed.

On the off chance, those things don’t go according to plan, Brains over Brawn helps to bring Manx’s athletic skill checks up to above average levels. This makes a speedy retreat more than possible. And it is likely Manx has an escape route planned before the challenge is even made.

It is also worth noting that Manx can prep one first lvl wizard/sorcerer spell with a caster lvl 3 from his factotum levels.

He also gains several skill buffs +2 and AC+2 versus followers of malar via his Rival Organization +2 class feature from ranger.

At this lvl, Manx’s original strategy gets quite a few boons.

Blessings of scripture has come online to give his arrows +2 to damage.

Knowledge Devotion combined with his study of Malars beastly followers net him a +1 -+4 insight bonus to hit and to damage.

1st, and 2nd level Ranger spells from Consecrated Harrier offer him more ranged options, better tracking abilities, and easier escape methods.

15th lvl

At this lvl

Blessings of scripture now gives us +4 to arrow damage

Knowledge Devotion now gives an automatic +4 insight bonus to hit and damage thanks to our high knowledge of Malar’s followers, and our newfound ability to take 10 on knowledge nature, arcana, and dungeoneering via Skill mastery.

Skill mastery gives us the ability to take 10 on 1+int number of skills. With a modest +7 int bonus that is 8 skills. Knowledge dungeonering, arcana, and nature, Spot, Truespeak, Survival, Sense Motive, and Tumble.

Font of Inspiration brings us to 4 inspiration points.

Skill Artistry and Skill Focus True speak boost our Truespeak checks

1st – 4th lvl ranger spells from Consecrated Harrier add even more ranged options, tracking abilities, and escape methods.

New sample round.
Using +1 splitting Longbow
Round 1 Extended Reversed Inertia Surge standard, draw bow, move
Round 2 Swift haste +23/+23/+23/+23/+23/+23/+18/+18/+13/+13 full round ranged attack. Damage 1d8+11

20th lvl

Manx’s Skill Mastery is now strong enough to cover 16 skills. He can take 10 on 16 skills.

His knowledge devotion check now auto hits +5

He has 6 inspiration points

He is at a +23 initiative modifier

He can take 10 on truespeak checks resulting in a 63 check (66 if cunning knowledge is used)

This effectively gives him a 63 diplomacy check if he wants via Persuasive Perfomance. Yes that is right, he can diplomancer with truenaming or sense motive checks.

Sustaining presence gives him a bump to his Fort Saves

His Consecrated Harrier spells continue to be useful.

New Sample round using WBL
Round 1 swift action use metamagic quickened rod to cast Hunter’s Mercy
Standard Extended Reverse Inertia surge + Cunning Knowledge for a 66 truespeak check
Move Draw Bow

Round 2 swift action haste, swift
Full round attack +35/+35/+35/+35/+35/+35/+30/+30/+25/+25/+20/+20
Damage 1d8+15 damage
Because of Hunter’s mercy the first attack to hit is automatically a crit
Activate Cunning Insight before rolling crit damage to add +11 to base damage.
Crit damage 3d8+78 damage

Magic Items
Amulet of the Silver Tongue, Lesser (ASAP) Improve to Greater (ASAP)
Belt of Magnificence
Truespeak Flash Cards(Mundane Masterwork (Truespeak) tool)
Vest of Resistance +5
Crystal Mask of Mind Armor
+5 Splitting Bow
High max dex armor with enhancements
Tome of Dex +4
Tome of Int +5
Mundane Silver arrows
Mundane Cold Iron Arrows
Lesser Metamagic Rod of Quicken
Cure wands


Core books
"Font of Inspiration" Web Article http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/frcc/20070
"Rival Organization" Alternate Class Feature http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20070228a
Complete Divine
Complete Adventurer
Complete Champion
Races of Destiny
Tome of Magic
Forgotten Realms Champion of Ruin
Forgotten Realms Setting
Forgotten Realms Wiki for fluff research