Ok, so with the other map generator not working i checked out a couple different ones.

Programs tested:

Pro: -
Con: So far unfixable Out of Memory error upon rendering.

Pro: Fast (measured in seconds), small map sizes (~100mb for everything), google map style, uses non-google code (smooth scrolling), has day/night/nether/caves/biomes viewing options
Con: Blurry, washed out colors, may have leaf coloring issues

Example: Here

Pro: High map clarity, day/night/nether/caves/biomes/minerals viewing options, google map style, fast on subsequent renders/uploads (caches, only upload changed files), deep zoom, can add markers manually, might be able to render this directly on the server (so no uploads)
Con: Big map size (~1.5GB per viewing option), slow initial render
, no interface (command-line only), needlessly complex documentation, renders all signs as markers (even those underground)
Example: Here

And of course none of these render custom blocks so far. Opinions?

In other news, Advanced Machinery 3.1 has been added to the server, due to their addition of solar panel arrays. Please get the apropriate client here.