[Saer's Room]

That growl turned into an exasperated snarl as the demon rose to his feet and finally turned towards her. "In case you hadn't noticed, Princess, that was exactly what I tried doing earlier." He took a step towards her, his voice rising to yelling, as hers, as he continued. "As it appears to have escaped your recollection, allow me to remind you that you were the one who asked for this, who gave me conditions, all of which I have fulfilled to the letter!" Another step, and he was looking down at her, he growled, and it filled the room. His icy blue eyes were not cold in the least, though he did find it in him to control his voice to below a yell, though it sounded no less dangerous. "So, I would thank you to get off your high horse, to stop pouting, to do as you agreed, and go stand next to the fireplace. Now."