[Saer's Room]

((Good morning!))

Saer watched her intently as she answered, and listened especially hard when she got to that last 'Because'. By the expression on her face, he could tell there was more she was thinking on saying, but something in her kept it back. And well he could guess the kind of information she would want to keep from him at this juncture. He'd seen the small glances she'd given him every now and then. Most especially, he remembered that blush from far earlier.

She all but confirmed these things when she finished her statement of wanting his mark on her. Although, he'd already known it.

He answered her quietly. "I've never reconsidered. Not since the moment I saw you." While on other lips it might have sounded like a sweet sentiment, on his, it sounded possessive and dangerous just this side of frightening. And it was true. Since he'd met her, he kept trying to find a reason not to claim her. While she'd certainly given him several considerations, she hadn't told him a good enough one.

He lifted the band up next to her neck. When they'd started talking, the fire had died down at his side, only passively reaching up to the open skin of his stomach and chest. As he concentrated again, it began its more powerful flow into his flesh. He got the band to the point where it was almost ready to be slid around her neck before he sealed it in the back. Here, he paused once more and darted his gaze from the silver up to her eyes. "I'll need to touch you." He wasn't asking. But he was warning her. Because one of her statements from earlier was contradicting the one she'd just made. Still, he waited for her answer before continuing. Was he being...considerate...? The look in his eyes certainly didn't look 'considerate'.