[Saer's Room]

Curiouser and curiouser. The demon's lip corner turned up a bit when she answered. He didn't doubt his powers of innuendo. But he was learning quite a bit about exactly how limited her experience must have been with men.

This...was going to be fun.

With a slight incline of his head that was meant to be a nod, Saer slid the half-circle of the band around her neck. Still, he hadn't touched her as he'd said he would need to.

He slid it perfectly around her throat, being careful of the fit, of her comfort. He'd made many, many of these.

Without touching flesh to hers, he pulled more from the flames, and melted the ends of the bands together behind her throat. They glowed red-hot for a moment as they melded, and in that same instant, more magical words inscribed themselves, glowing red, below her name. Small but present, 'Property of Lord Saer Akore'.

As the final word wrote itself, that was when the knowledge usually started to settle in to his girls. It wasn't a weight, it wasn't a spell, but it was an awareness. If the mark worked on her as it worked on everyone else, she would know, beyond a doubt, beyond anything, that she belonged to him. It didn't instill loyalty. It didn't take away her free will. But she wouldn't be able to lie to herself about it. She wasn't allowed denial. He owned her, beyond reason, beyond faith, beyond all else. She was his. It was a lot to press onto the mind, and as a side effect of such knowledge, there came the sudden faintness.

He had made certain she knew he would have to touch her, not to place the mark, but to catch her as she would likely sway and begin to collapse to the ground from weariness, as if she'd been awake without stop for days.