[Saer's Room]

Saer had been trying mightily, up until this point, to keep his temper in check. He was angry at other things, and, until 2 seconds ago, not at her.

But she knew exactly which buttons to push to make herself a target. Those icy blue eyes were so very cold as he stepped lazily away from the door and to her. And when he reached her, he kept going. Slowly. If she didn't back up, he'd be stepping right into her and pushing her physically with his body.

He continued until her hips backed into the desk, or whatever other surface she happened to be aimed for, and then he reached up and tucked one finger under her jaw, his thumb at her chin. It was a deceptively soft touch, and she could pull away if she chose. Though she probably wouldn't have have too far to go.

His voice was quiet and dangerous in it's simmering anger. "You would do well not to turn your nose up at my politeness, Princess. Nor does it behoove you to forget that I am now well and truly your lord. Now would be a good time to remind yourself of that whenever you address me. Am I clear?"