Actually, I doubt the goal to remove the disputed tag will succeed as people (like myself) think it is good that it is there.

Unless we get confirmed facts for this or that position from the comic, the reasonings for both ends of the scale are understandable. This has nothing to do with my point of view on this (I'd rather put it in 27+ and do not mind where he picked the 6ish levels between SoD and "now").

I am in one camp, but can understand the reasons for the other and it is not that I consider it to be 100% vs. 0% but like 80% vs. 20% and as such strongly vote for the disputed tag in this matter.
Even if everyone stopped promoting the 21-idea right now, we should still mark it as "really not proven" or "speculative" (which is called "disputed" at the moment).

So: as long as the proof-situation as it is, the tag should stay there and I'm not seeing the use of a campaign to remove it. "If in doubt, dispute it".
This stance has made me as annoyed as I was over the Qarr-issue when some people iron-wallish rejected to make it disputed.