Quote Originally Posted by Wookieetank View Post
So I just recently got around to playing Mass Effect 2, and so far in my first 7 hours of playing it, I'm not terribly impressed. Show up shoot everything in sight that isn't the character you're supposed to be recruiting, and then the dialog is all: Shepard, "I am a badass" Whoever else, "Why yes, you are a badass." etc., etc. I will admit that it is a beautiful game and has a very well done sci-fi feel to it. However, I'm not sure if I'm actually going to complete this game, cause so far I've been doing the same thing over and over for 7 hours... *hides from the wrath of the faithful*
That was pretty much exactly my take away, it felt like the only thing the game knew how to do was tell me "Shepard is badass." I found it...awkward after a while, like the game thought I was desperately insecure and needed constant reassurance of my in-game proxy's total coolness. Sort of like Duke Nukem Forever, except played completely straight.

In other gaming news, I picked up Cannon Fodder 3 off of GamersGate. After a bit of screwing about with compatibility settings I got it running, and found it quite fun. I never played the original(s), so I'm not sure how well it compares, but it's a groovy little top down shooter, wherein lots of things explode and the lethality is very, very high. You've got a squad of four little dudes, each of which can survive three hits, or zero explosions. In the likely event all your squad dies horribly, you restart at a checkpoint with a new squad.

But your team levels up over the course of a map, and if they die, you lose all that progress. So there's a real, but not insurmountable, penalty for failure. Also all the soldiers have names that show up on a big tombstone at the end of the level if they die, so you get to feel bad.