Wait, is this the same girl? The girl who ran crying to her shot up mother who then turned out somehow did not get shot in the head and somehow decided to play dead until the next unfortunate soul come to check if she was dead and then try to bite girl? That girl? I thought it was a different girl for both, but then again I'm terrible with the farmer girls except the one who's after the asian guy.

And if she is turning into a zombie, there is nooooooo way she got any bite marks. I tell you, I was watching that wrestling scene quite clearly with wide eyes thinking, "Bite her. Bite her. Bite her. Bite her. Bite her. Bite her. Dammit! She wasn't bitten!" That mouth was wide open the entire time and didn't close unless it made a noise and was only trying to bite at the girl's throat/face despite the fact that it had both her arms in its grasp.

So if she does indeed turn into a zombie, does this mean there is a touch strain that almost everyone is immune to except for some reeeeeally unfortunate souls?