Day 273: Dragon Month #15

"Levethix is the first dragon I built what could be considered a friendship with. He was of the Silver Dragonflight, and a scholar and wizard amongst his kind. Insufferably smug and know-it-all, capable of lecturing for days, and a deep amusement at the attempts of lesser creatures. I believe for the early part of our association he looked on me as one would look at an animal that had learned tot talk.

"His archnemisis, a Bronze named Vorel, lived in close proximity to his lair and the battles they had were vast and terrible. Neither truly wanted to kill each other, but spared nothing in their attempts to humiliate each other. The pranks and endless one-upmanship waged between them tended to fall on the hapless inhabitants of the village in between their two lairs as much as they did on each other. There were multiple occasions where I myself found myself in situations both dire and comical which no amount of money shall persuade me to relate to you."

[I've been drawing virtually all day. Have some sketches disconnected from the main event]


Music: Smaller God
Time: 20 mins