Quote Originally Posted by RandomPoster View Post
That's pretty cool, another ship with dimension-hopping capability! Most people Ftha-Yekub knows who have ships crashed here accidentally.

Ftha-Yekub merely shrugs. "If you say so. But I've been to dimensions where ships are as easily repaired as some of the most basic land vehicles (and sometimes at a cheaper price).

I never heard of the Kalmnesh before. Where are they from?"
Maerndra smiles sadly, and shrugs.

"Here and there. Liemnos, Aernden, Morinhal, Kiorta, Orvel... Kalmnesh is a company, not a species. Or was a company, I suppose, if you've never heard of them."

[Trium and Spec]

Indeed, Trium has almost certainly gotten a fairly good idea of just how flexible Spec is, which is why she's fairly certain that it does not include things such as being able to bend over backwards far enough to look at people in front of her.

In any case, the immortal follows the assassin towards the door, smiling happily as she goes.

"Speaking of which, do you have a cave in mind to explore, or are we just heading out to find some potential ones?"