About Giantkin and the like: It could be that you can simply state that "All Trolls are Different" is a actual cosmic rule. One Ginny Greenteeth (Annis Hag) eats small childeren who wander up to her lair, and her late husband Garon (a Two-headed troll) lurked in a nearby hollow and hunted down deer before he was slain. There childeren include a two-headed giant, a stony man with rock-hard skin, and a girl who has strange powers over nature that occasinaly plays with childeren near her home when mama is'nt looking ( a half-fey human child with levels in Druid).

They are realy varing fey that have too many ties to the natural world, and are happier in a stone hut ( or under a dich, or in a cave, or inside a hill, ect), and have a bit more pratical sence then 'bolds or elves. A few have little reason not to "adopt" a child if there parents are not nearby, and such childeren have a much greater chance at developing raging or magical abilites, even if there "parents" have none.