Okay, so an update for me.

>Remember mine asking if it was unusual to have already seen 4 dragons and fought 2? Y'all answered that random dragons are random. Good advice -- I haven't seen one since.

>So, I'm a werewolf now and running quests for the werewolf faction. So far, it seems just about the only way to take out those Silver Hand bosses is to turn into a werewolf -- otherwise I get killed pretty quick (and I've been putting almost all of my level-ups to health). Is that intended (it is a werewolf quest chain, after all) or am I missing something obvious (RTFM and all that)?

>Question related to the above. So I've tried the Summon Flame Atronach spell against those bosses and it seems to work rather well (I have the perk for making it last a bit longer & be tougher, Conjuration is my best skill at the moment). However, during the last one I got the impression that I took damage from one of its attacks that seemed to target an area. Now I know there is friendly-fire in the game, so is that what happened -- or was the Atronach targetting me because I was a werewolf and therefore not "me".

>Build \ "what next" advice. Currently I'm using the Mage Stone (+20% magic skill leveling) since most of the skills I'm interested in are under that list. I've been using Bound Sword (I have the perk) in one hand & using the other for spells, and I'm wondering if that's part of the reason I'm having trouble with those Silver Hand bosses. I've picked up a shield but haven't really used it much yet (Block 16, and that was from a book IIRC). I've been using Light Armor. I have an improved Orcish Bow but I'm not finding many opportunities to use it outside of 'pulling' distant mobs. I have a smattering of the production skills, which I've been 'doing' but trying not to grind just yet.

Per advice from coworkers I've 'paused' the main quest at the step of going to the Graybeards. I've seen several suggestions that I don't want to put it off too long or I'll start getting into fights that presume I have dragon powers (I currently just have the first one, an unspent dragon soul, and the ability to learn fire breath). What I'm seeing is to pick that up again circa 20-25. I'm wondering in particular if I should continue questing for the Companions or move onto to the mage college.

Currently I've spent most of the perks on a smattering of skills I use, rarely more than 1 point yet -- exceptions are Conjuration (my best skill, with several points), 1 hand weapons, and Light Armor. I'm taking a good solid look at the Restoration tree (that mana regen perk interests me). Advice I've been given is to ignore the Speech & Lockpicking trees for now under the "don't nerf your combat skills"

Critiques/further advice?