Quote Originally Posted by cleric_of_BANJO View Post
Oh, I agree that In the Nightside Eclipse is way better. However, I was specifically arguing against people that said that Black Metal was amateurish and untalented. I think Anthems (regardless of whether or not you enjoyed it) proves them wrong.
ITNE is way better, yeah. I think their best is actually the Emperor EP though. Two of the best songs from both ITNE and WOTT with a production that's a perfect mix of raw and clear. Honestly, it seems like Anthems should have had Emperor's production (and later on, Prometheus should have had Ihsahn's solo project's production values).

You could also show them Deathspell Omega. "Abscission" is like... damn.

EDIT: Completely unrelated, but I just listened to Manilla Road's The Deluge for the first time. Woah. That's all I can say. I've been on a sort of MR binge in the past few days, after discovering that Crystal Logic is not, in fact, their only worthwhile album (who would've known?), but the Deluge is outstanding, even by their standards...
You listen to recent Darkthrone? MR just makes me think of "Raised on Rock". "Sold my soul to Manilla Road!"

Also, I know neither band is metal, but I'm listening to Les Discrets and it sounds like what Alcest wishes it was.