
"Much of what I object to is inherent to worship, no matter how much you try to ground yourself." Grace says with a sigh. "Being more grounded will reduce some of those effects, but it won't do away with them. As for what I would do, if I found myself in your situation... I'd look for alternatives. The universe is vast, and worship seems like a peculiar thing as a requirement for life. Do you really need worship? Or is it a less complicated need, that could be fulfilled in another way? Can you find a way to change that aspect of your nature, or generate 'worship' from something non-sentient?"

Grace shakes her head. "There are so many powers and things out there, or even just in Nexus, that I cannot truly believe that you must, inevitably, subsist on worship. I can believe that there is a possibility that such a thing might be complicated, or rare- but I would try. If only from a selfish perspective, ridding yourself of such a limitation would be a good thing, as it would eliminate a way you might perish."