I am confused. I have no idea what my gender identity is doing.

The soul searing wrongness of my body has faded, I can bear being in my own skin again. That only lasted a couple of days. On the other hand, I'm wearing women's clothing around pretty much all the time now, and wearing a bra more often than not. Ye gods, that sentence felt weird to type.

I'm not asking people to change pronoun use, nor am I trying to change my name. I'm working half-heartedly on my voice, but it's still definitely masculine, and my only concern about that is in the dissonance between visual and aural cues.

And yet, when I just saw the post in RB about more males having female avatars than vice versa, my reaction was "I hope he's not including me as one of them". So I am thoroughly confused. My mind is a mystery even to me.