Quote Originally Posted by Maeglin_Dubh View Post
Is there ever a point to go 9/0/21 with a fighter or brawler? Or even a carry? (I'm referring to AD here.) Just thinking of whether or not Awareness is still good/necessary for junglers, or if getting to 6 first would help a toplaner.

Also, Arbitrarity, thanks for grabbing the idea and running with it. These are great so far.
No longer. Once, offense tree wasn't that good, at least for casters (past the first 9 points), and higher level utility masteries were good (movespeed, flash mastery). But now... well, Awareness isn't worth it, especially since the jungle change. The equivalent is getting XP quints, compared with AD or something. All you get out of utility tree past 9 is XP (miniscule), gold (modest), CDR (not that useful in lane), and summoner spell cooldowns (can be good, but often doesn't make the difference). Compared with scaling AD, Arpen, lifesteal, and Executioner, utility doesn't really help AD carries in lane, or bruisers. It's totally useless for junglers. Extra XP might make a small difference top lane for getting to 6, but the difference is literally 2 melee minions. That's MINISCULE.