Fine. Give me his phylactery and a pair of bags of holding and I'll get rid of him.

Speaking of which, since Silas used the mace as a phylactery, does it mean that Ace's phylactery could be a dirty old boot or something other than a ring/amulet/box/RAW?
It still has to be receptacle like.
A boot wouldn't do.
It has to have style.
It could be the Tomb of Horrors itself.

Is it too late too ask Moradin and the other guys for a Light Tide? Vecna, Pelor and the Raven Queen at the very least must have noticed what is going on.
Someone's already researching it.

I think FS should get Turning and Religion for free. Maybe even his deity's domains as well, since he is sort of a junior member of his deity's Chosen. Oh well, at least they have a good list to chose their spells from.
If they got Turning and Religion, the cleric would be redundant.

Todash, can I get some Actions?
To be honest though, I seriously thought Quan would easily be able to get rid of all the undead...
He's going to have to rely on his spells.