[Willow's Lab]

Winston gives the scorch marks a cursory glance, but they're not his problem. The kid walks a couple of paces away from Becca, to make room, and then waits for her to finish healing up Glamdring. When it looks like she's ready, Winston grins and tosses his Poké Ball in the air. Cue the music!

In a flash of white light, a creature emerges from the ball. It is a grey and floating thing that looks like a sheet hanging over a ball, with a horn on top and intense triangular eyes that glow with yellow light. Shuppet doesn't materialize where it should, though, instead floating way too close to Becca and Glamdring. In fact, it immediately goes to phase through both of them, giggling like a banshee while doing so.

Shuppet's ability Frisk activates, and it searches the Eevee to check if he has any Held Items. The mischievous Ghost also frisks Becca to see just how much money and items she has in her pockets and bag, though it can't of course take anything with just its ability.

Winston waits patiently, smirking, for Becca to make the first move. He seems to think he has the advantage.