Quote Originally Posted by Eigenclass View Post
The ABD episode occurred presumably about two weeks before the OOTS showed up on the Western Continent. It would seem like a fairly major disaster, given how prolific the Draketeeth are shown to be, across multiple generations, and the horrendous scope of Familicide. Unless the Western Continent is heavily inbred, you would expect almost everyone to at least know one person who's been mysteriously killed - probably entire families at a time.

However, absolutely no one was talking about it in Sandsedge, the caravan, or in the Empire of Blood.

You'd think the ruthless dictators that run the Western Continent to hear about it through their intelligence network, or at least for Malack as a high priest of the death-god to take an interest. But it doesn't seem like anyone at the state dinner Tarquin held were talking about it, and if Malack were aware of this, why wouldn't he mention it to a fellow high-level cleric?

So is this because:
  1. ...of a continuity error (hey, even Star Trek had them)
  2. ...stuff like this happens all the time in the Western Continent and no one cares.
  3. ...shenanigans are afoot?
I think it's a combination of 1. and 2.