Quote Originally Posted by Hazzardevil View Post
Just replaying to this from before.
I thought Yarrick was in charge of all the Imperium Forces at the Wars of Armageddon?

This leads me to the question of how long does a normal human live in 40k?
By this I mean a human who does not fight Tyranids, Orks, Chaos and Eldar on a regular basis, one who will live their lives never seeing combat.

And, do the Greyknights have Librarians? Since the main role of the Librarian is to be a psychic who writes stuff down and from the sounds of it the GK are hardly lacking the first one and don't sound fond of the second idea.
1: No, that would be Dante. Yarrik was merely the most notable non-Marine hero of the War and the commander of a relatively small Imperial force.

2: A bit over two centuries, assuming access to the life-extending Juvenat treatments, which anyone important enough to actually be a common name certainly does have access to. Using cybernetics and other methods, the oldest person I've heard mention of without resorting to Chaos-based immortality was more than half way into his third century.

3: By the old fluff they did not, with their massive support staff keeping track of the Chapter's knowledge and the entire lot of them fulfilling the 'Psyker' bit. New-fluff GK do make use of Librarians, though I'm not sure to what degree they actually act as historians and record-keepers as opposed to just particularly psychically gifted individuals.