Quote Originally Posted by KenderWizard View Post
Yeah, even my close friends in the gaming/nerdy scene are known to sometimes say ridiculously sexist things (sometimes following up with "Oh, that doesn't apply to you, Kender. You're not like a real girl!" ). Or things that hurt my feelings as a bi person. I imagine it would be even worse if I was more of a girly-girl, or trans, or more "out" (I have heteronormative relationship privilege), not white, or not used to worse.
What. I mean, I say misogynistic things as a kind of ironic humor, but I do my best to show that I'm being sarcastic. (Of course then there's the problem of extremist views and satire of extremist views being very similar in appearance.) But making a sexist joke and then saying, "Oh wait but it's okay because you're not a real girl," is totally different. I'd rather they just make the sexist jokes and leave it at that.

Yeah, you'd think so. I think we (as in, people) are getting better at it. People do talk about intersectionality and stuff. I mean, at the moment, it's only happening on super-liberal anti-kyriarchy blogs and such, but that's where these things grow from!
Maybe my children's children will live in a Feminist Everyoneist Utopia where these views have become more mainstream!
(My current plan for having children involves donating to every sperm bank in the world. Making more of me is my way of trolling the future.)

Well, I'm reasonably sure the Irish gaming scene has very few people who aren't white at least partly because Ireland has few people who aren't white. (Unlike Britain - probably because we were historically poorer - we just didn't get people moving here until recently.) But I suspect it's also because overwhelmingly-white groups that are clique-ish and contain an element who relish that old-boy racist, sexist mentality are just not very welcoming to minorities.
My school has some Asians and blacks, and some other smaller minorities, but it is largely white. Unfortunately, the different ethnic groups tend to segregate themselves, which I noticed recently. Most of the Asian kids stick together, and most of the black kids stick together. I think only one black guy (and no other non-whites that I can remember) showed up to any of the D&D Club interest meetings, and he never managed to get into it because he was a day student, lives off-campus, and can't drive, so he couldn't stay late enough to play. :<
But we're cool about race and gender and sexuality and what have you. It's neat.

Quote Originally Posted by Serpentine View Post
With the racial aspect, I think it might be a wealth/class thing. Geekery, and gaming in particular, is pretty expensive. Most geeks and especially gamers, I believe, are middle class/at least moderately wealthy. Most middle class/at least moderately wealth people in our parts of the world are white. Thus, few non-white gamers/geeks.
Redistribute the wealth! Down with ingrained racial inequality! Geekdom needs more diversity! D:

Also: relevant.
Gaming is expensive. Amusingly, though, the wealthiest people I knew back in high school were Indian or Middle-Eastern.

I shared that video on facebook.