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Thread: LGBTAitP - Part 21: BLACKJACK!

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    Colossus in the Playground

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    Oct 2008

    Default Re: LGBTAitP - Part 21: BLACKJACK!

    Quote Originally Posted by KenderWizard View Post
    Well, okay, it's not the perfect reaction that an entirely patient and 100% fair all the time person would have, but there is no such person. This is what happens:
    Then it seems we just have differing definitions of "reasonable," I suppose.

    Quote Originally Posted by KenderWizard View Post
    Feminist: Trans people are welcome here!
    Trans person shows up.
    Bigoted "feminist": *hate speech*
    Trans person: I don't have to put up with this. This isn't a safe space for me, it's another place where I have to put up with s**t. I will concentrate my energy elsewhere.
    Your initial statements suggested a scenario more along these lines to me.

    Feminist: Trans people are welcome here.
    Trans person: *goes online, reads some blogs*
    Bigot: *poorly spelled, inarticulate hate speech blog*

    Trans person: You're [redacted], Feminist.
    Feminist: wat

    That, and if a feminist space is actively reaching out to trans people then it stands to reason that it would be unlikely to actively be out to waste its efforts by being bigoted to them as a body or to sanction members of that body doing it individually.

    Quote Originally Posted by KenderWizard View Post
    Yeah, actually, it's the kind of thing one would do to someone who isn't physically threatening to oneself. Because it's a very dominant and rude thing to do. The fact that these men don't do it to men, typically, but to women and children kind of suggests they know on some level it's a rude and scary thing to do. Which is even worse than just being oblivious.
    It could suggest a whole lot of things, really. I don't pretend to understand the mindset of people who tell people who actively look miserable to smile and attempt to use the power of positive thinking to brainwash themselves into feeling better. Seems a tad irrational, and thus harder to grok rationally.
    Last edited by Coidzor; 2012-03-07 at 01:13 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Keld Denar View Post
    +3 Girlfriend is totally unoptimized. You are better off with a +1 Keen Witty girlfriend and then appling Greater Magic Make-up to increase her enhancement bonus.
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