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Thread: Lords of Creation: Vicious Betrayals

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    Barbarian in the Playground
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Default Re: Lords of Creation: Vicious Betrayals

    Vardr - Emmisaries to the other races

    The Vardr will send emissaries to the Kobolds, High Onari, Dragons, Igni and Nodimi. These parties will all consist off a single nobleman, a marshal and a few soldiers as honor guard.
    The emissaries to the Kobolds reach the outskirts of Draconia (though they're not aware of that). A small yellow-scaled creature, humanoid in appearance with some draconish features, with flesh hanging over his bones looks at them from a distance. "Visitors! This is the land of Mor'Mor, you can appease Mor'Mor with offerings of food or incur his wrath!"

    Note, since the Dragon God seems inactive at this time, I could role-play the delegation to the dragons interacting with the Kobold presence there.

    Twilight Forest

    "We also procreate, of course. But why do you group your children together into such a span of time? What is the utility in that?"
    The Kobolds ponders the question for a moment, "Well. I suppose the utility is to make each generation significant. A generation shares experiences as a group that no other generation experiences or experiences in the same way because they have different experiences. This forms entire generations and makes each of them unique."

    First Contact - Ascension Clearing

    "Well you've found one.
    The Flow is a force that surrounds everyone, Divine, Mortal or some weird mix. It is present in the air, the rocks, the moon. Even the Void flows with Energy that may be utilized.
    The Jesarie, and the Athlio as they are asking to be called, are Flow-users. They can shape and force the Flow through themselves, filtering the energy and rearranging it before turning it physical to create a wide-range of effects.
    I wish I could explain further but you wouldn't understand the terms. Some of them aren't even vocalized but shown through the Flow.
    Anyone can learn to shape and sense the Flow through training and practice, though some develop the skill naturally like your companion. When that happens, generally in strange or overwhelming circumstances, they will emit uncontrolled Flow Bursts that will do chaotic things to pretty much everything around them. That is why we try to seek them out and unlock their "Flow-Sight" as we call it, peacefully. We don't fancy having a blast of fire burst our Dome or a hurricane centered on Ascension Clearing, can we.
    You may take him back tomorrow after he unlocks his Sight, or he may stay and refine his skills faster. Same with the rest of you. The gift is not for hoarding to one race and our only stipulation is that you never refuse to teach someone without an extremely good reason like a state of war with their race."
    The Kobold grins his teeth, "Don't worry about it. We are all about sharing and I have no doubt our leaders will be most interested in spreading this 'flow'.

    Lagun'a - Contact

    Regarius takes a slight, but respectful bow. "Greetings Kaj. On behalf of my Lord Imperator, I thank you for your hospitality. He has commanded me to see what you would have to offer the Igni and enter negotiations if possible."
    The Kaj tries to appear respectful but comes off as a touch arrogant, smiling and returning the bow with a nod of his head, "Greetings Regarius! The Kobolds have much to offer. We are the dominant and most wide-spread race in the world! The first to make contact with the other races. The first to explore the known world. Kobolds have taken to the oceans, the air, the underground, I even hear that the mother of all Kobolds has laid an egg that will produce the first moon Kobolds! We can offer you contact with the other races, the use of various types of Kobolds, knowledge of many of the major gods and other cultures. I also hear that that some of my people have found the innate ability to use something called the flow, with which they can produce various effects as they please, like little gods! Apparently it is teachable and it is something I can offer you as well." [little timebubble for the last one in place]

    "What would the Igni have to offer the great Kobold race however?"
    Last edited by Zerter; 2012-03-08 at 05:32 AM.