Nysv the moon

The god of shadows shuffles once again towards Tharin. Its mask had already jerked anti-clockwise several times while talking. "Well now... and I suppose your f-...Addaz decided that no one would mind that he just self-invited himself into someone's home. I'll be sure to remember that when the time comes for me to pay you a visit..."

"And to answer your other questions... I am... Darkness incarnate, and yes... I am one of them. I have now answered four questions and got one questioned of mine answered in return. As far as I'm concerned... you owe me."

"When the time comes, I'll pay you a visit to collect my dues..." says Nysv as he turns and begins to shuffle away. "There seems to be no stopping to you freeloaders... so you might as well mingle with the rest of the intruders. I give up..."