The dead head your call, but they are so uncoordinated that anything resembling an orderly line is out of the question. They do their best, however, making their simple pleas for rest, to be with their families, and similar requests(it is rather hard to determine what the insects want). However many you send off, though, there are a dozen more waiting. You soon realize that to bring peace to every one of them could easily take weeks before it is completed. And that's only for the ones in your general vicinity. But they keep coming, any fear they had overwhelmed by the chance for rest.

Not only did the fighting armies cause quite a lot of destruction, Korug destroyed several major buildings with his chain. If you station yourself in the palace and ignore the outlaying regions, you can make a fairly fortified base without too much work. If you want to rebuild the city itself, it may take quite a lot longer. One of the outer palace walls has a large hole smashed in it, and from there leading to the cities edge is a swath of destroyed buildings. That's what happens when ogre smash puny humans.