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    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Mar 2008

    Default Re: UKitp 11 - Y'all should join us in the fun!

    Serp is having her phone interview right now and is therefore pretending that I don't exist/am not here (I'd vacate the room, but the only place I could really go would be Koorly's room and I think she's kinda in bed still due to tiredness). So far, the interviewer has talked a lot and Serpy has just responded with "Yes", "I see", and the like.

    Edit: Questions are now being answered about skills and things and research. Serp's skillset sounds impressive.
    ...and now the interviewer has just cut out apparently. This would be less good.

    Edit2: And now he's back again.
    Last edited by Thufir; 2012-03-14 at 08:55 AM.
    "'But there's still such a lot to be done...'