Quote Originally Posted by Shadowcaller View Post

"Yes, that's my point but naming our members police might give them the wrong impression. I wouldn't want to force any rules on the other orgs but the problem is when other orgs start to do things outside their own base. Are we supposed to ignore them then or attempt to arrest them? It becomes a very complicated issue if the laws we are supposed to enforce got a lot of exceptions." Cessie replies.

"You have a point there. I never wanted to call them police, but I don't really know another word for people who watch after the laws."

She shakes her head as MDM seems to draw her attention. Mia looks up and seems to listen to him while MDM makes different kind of noise. Steaming, metal hits metal and such mechanical noise.

"That is true. We should handle this like all Orgs would be treated similar to Nations. We should work on an open communication between the Orgs, as far as possible. That way we can make a all know basic. Just for the start."