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    Troll in the Playground

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    Dec 2006

    Default Re: League of Legends XXXI: I'll Start My Own Team! With TF! And Janna!

    Quote Originally Posted by PEACH View Post
    That item sounds... mediocre, actually. Looking at it, you're dropping 5 AD from the bases, so the 2.5% isn't necessarily huge (you need to be down 12.5% just to make it "even" with having a hexdrinker and a pickaxe). For 3300, you get, if you can sit at one HP, 95 AD, 36 MR, and a shield. It's not terrible, but the fact is very few people can sit at suck low HP, and since it's got no multiplicative effects, it only really works on tanky DPS types that want MR and pure damage. I guess it could work on Riven, Panth, and a few others, but it doesn't really do anything to draw in people who weren't already buying a hexdrinker, since it's essentially just a slightly stronger hexdrinker.
    Nah, it's great. RENEKTON IS HAPPY.
    It may not be superlatively cost effective. It may not give much for 925 gold (5 AD, 6 MR, 100 hp more shield, passive), but it basically fills the Hexdrinker role (which is a great midgame item, acts like Wit's for AD casters), but scales ok into lategame. (Hexdrinker was changed, notice it only uses one Longsword now)
    It's not even so much that I'll be building it, specifically. But it lets me build Hexdrinker and know that I can scale it into lategame. So I could build, say... Renekton with Hexdrinker/Brutalizer, and actually scale up.

    Also, I like how much Ezreal and Miss Fortune I'm seeing. Seems like all the AD now have their own little niches, though Twitch is still super rare.
    Last edited by Arbitrarity; 2012-03-17 at 02:19 AM.